
We need your help.

We are a 100% volunteer organization. Without the help of our awesome volunteers and donors, everything would grind to a halt. You can help make a difference in the lives of our veterans and first responders.

Volunteer at one our events. Extra hands make light work at helping organize the wares at our yard sales, packing holiday gift baskets, picking up donated furniture, setting up informational booths at farmers markets, and assisting veterans and first responders directly in a variety of ways.

If you'd like to volunteer, please fill out our VOLUNTEER FORM HERE and we'll be in touch!

thank you

Thank you to our volunteers!

We are extremely grateful to the volunteers who make our yard sales possible with their help:
Jason B., Patty B., Shari C., Bonnie F., Bruce G., Gloria L., Nancy M., Art P., Liz R., Elizabeth S., Lesia V.


No time to volunteer?

Donate your gently used furniture & household items to us. Our first priority is always to give these items to any veterans or first responders in need of them for free. However, if there isn't a current need for the item, we will sell it through Facebook or our yard sales to raise funds. Either way, your donated items go 100% to helping veterans and first responders!

Monetary donations are always welcome. In order to help our veterans in every type of emergency, we need to keep our treasury funded. Come shop at our yard sales where the price on everything is whatever you feel comfortable donating. Make an online donation through PayPal, Venmo, or Cash App here.

Donate automatically by shopping. Take a moment to set us as your charity on Amazon Smile here, and then when you do your regular Amazon shopping, use their smile.amazon.com site to donate a percentage of your purchase to us. (It doesn't cost you anything extra!)

All donations are tax deductible and always greatly appreciated.

Volunteer Activities